Thanks Mom (Janet) for reminding me that I need to post something new. My plan is to give a run down of our vacation, but since we took over 300 pictures this may take sometime. Alright here it goes...
July 13 (Monday)- up and out of the house about 7am to make the long drive to Estes Park, CO. I was somewhat worried for Logan this would be his first long car ride..When we drive in town, or to Henderson he does fine, but 7 1/2 hours worried me a little. We made some extra stops to get the kinks out of our stiff bodies. We stopped at a rest area in CO to have lunch ( I made ham sandwiches). It was a really nice day. By the time we hit the mountains I was not feeling all that well. I don't do well with the mountains the first day. We checked into to our cabin at Glacier Lodge, unloaded the car. While I rested Doug took Logan around to look at things on the property and then we went to get dinner.

July 14 (Tuesday)- we had planned to sleep in and rest from the long car ride, but Logan had other ideas he was awake at 6am (same time all week) and ready to start the day. Once we were up and dressed we went up to Prospect Mountain to feed the chipmunks. This would be the first time Logan got to see chipmunks this close. He did a great job and really enjoyed watching and talking to the chipmunks as they were running around us. There were sometimes where he was not happy to be put in the stroller. The chipmunks are pretty tame if you sit long enough they will run right on you to get a peanut.

After Prospect Mountain we headed to Rocky Mountain National Park to see some sites there. We walked around Bear lake, found a little cave perfect for Logan. Also walk around Sprague Lake.

Hiked up to Alberts Falls, which was a nice hike. We took Logan's little stroller and he fell asleep on the way up. We took a picture to show that Logan was there.

July 15(Wednesday), we went to Moanitou Springs, Co and took the cog train up to Pike's Peak. Which was a real cool way to travel up. It was slow, but time didn't seem matter with all the cool sites you were able to see on the way up. Logan did pretty good while we were up there. He got a little crabby, but toddlers are that way right? I didn't want to be up so high, my head felt real bad and I didn't want to do anything, but sit with my head on the table. We couldn't get back down fast enough for me.

After Pike's Peak we went to Garden of the Gods, and Cave of the Winds.
July 16(Thursday)We took the Hwy up to Trail Ridge road, made many stops on the way to look at the sites. I can't believe how great it is there. We seen lots of wildlife on this day.

July 17(Friday) went back up to Trail Ridge Road and the west side of Rocky National Park. We went to Grand Lake and Adams Falls. Lots more wildlife was seen. Here are some of our many pictures of wildlife seen during out vacation in Estes Park, CO

On Saturday, we got up and made our long trip back to Lincoln, which was very sad. I always hate when vacation time is up and you have to go back to the real world. Well I better end this post and let you all see it. This is not anywhere close what we did on vacation, but I can't write and post all the pictures we took. So next time you see us just ask to see the our photo album from our Estes Park, Co vacation and I will gladly show it to you.
I'm sorry it has taken me nearly 2 months just to get this posted, Logan keeps me pretty busy.
I will end this with a few updates.
On August 5, we welcomed Zackary David Michel to our ever growing Michel family. This is Kevin and Angie's first boy. Zack and family are doing fine, it took some doing to get little Zack into this world, but we are so proud to welcome to our family and proud of Kevin and Angie, they will make great parents.
Husker football started on September 5th. Go Big Red! Lets have a wonderful season.
September 23, Doug and I will be celebrating our 9Th wedding anniversary. I'm sure we will go out to dinner and maybe catch movie. We will have to see if we can find a set of grandparents who would want to sit for us.
Well thats all for now. Enjoy! Thanks for following our family blog. I will try to post more often.