I can't believe its been 3yrs since Logan joined our family. Some facts about Logan you may or may not know about Logan.
1. Logan was born at 4:56pm by c-section. He was born a day after his due date.
2. His favorite movies are Cars, Toy Story,Harry Potter, but loves to watch anything that has lots of action or zombies, loves the TV show Walking Dead.
3. He loves to be outside either at the park, playing ball with daddy or looking for sticks he can spend forever outside.
4. His nighttime friends are froggy/bear (one word) and Mickey Mouse.
5. He is a Husker fan.
6. The world seems to stop whenever there is a grandpa is around.
7. Logan's best friend is Jacob (Jacob's mommy is in mom's club with me)
8. Enjoys to run errands with mommy, he can tell you what store has the green cart and where to get a cookie and balloon.
9. Has his own golf set and hits balls with daddy in the backyard.
10. Enjoys to go to the library for books and Thomas the Train movies.
Logan's birthday party this year was a bowling party at Sun-Valley Lanes. What a great Sunday afternoon. Kids and adults were able to bowl. Guests were, Daddy, Mommy, Steve, Shar, Kevin, Angie, Zack, Janet, Megan, Nick, Jacob, Matt, Jodie, Evan.
Logan and his friends got to use the bumpers, or a ramp to get the ball down the lane. Logan got a strike and did a great fist pump to let everyone know. He had daddy, mommy and grandpa Steve help him bowl.
We had pizza before bowling a couple games. Once our games were done we had cupcakes (which Hy-Vee made) and then opened gifts.
Logan made out like a bandit. Got some great toys for inside and outside, some summer clothes, new jammies, and movies.
Logan's friend Jacob helped Logan open his gifts. Logan was so cute he goes "Jacob come on help me open these"
He also blew out his candle on the first try. With a big Hooray!

Logan bowling with daddy.
Zack bowling
Jacob,Logan, Evan
As the day came to a close, I thought to myself wow the first 3 years really did zip by. Logan is still talking about his birthday party, which means we did good job on planning his party. He is looking forward to Jacob's party, who turns 3 a week after Logan.
I got Logan's pictures taken. A friend of mine is taking photography classes and is building a portfolio, so she came over to the house and followed Logan around and took pictures. She did a amazing job, I got to keep all the shots she took and have them on a flash drive. All I will need to do is take them somewhere, print them and send them out to family & friends. Will post them sometime soon.
I will end this post with some good news. We found out the gender of our second baby. We are having a girl! Everyone was is super excited. It will be nice to have a baby girl in the family.