August 8, 2011 10:20am Doug and I welcomed our little girl Jillian Rene into the world. Jillian was born by c-section with no problems. There is nothing more emotional than hearing your child's first cry. Logan was with Doug's parents during the surgery, he came up later to see his mommy and new baby sister. I posted just a few pictures from Jillian's big day.
Logan meeting his sister for the first time. This picture brings tears to my eyes, its so cute.
First bath.
Logan helping push sister back after her first bath.
One of the shots the people at the hospital were taking, I had to grab my camera.
Jillian looking at her daddy.
Sleeping with sister.
August 21st, 2 weeks old. Look how long I look. :)
Sorry it took me two weeks to get his updated, but I forgot what its like to have a infant in the house again. Logan is doing very well with his new sister at home. He has been pretty spoiled with grandma's staying at the house for two weeks. I have been worried that when we are all by ourselves I wouldn't be able to handle it, but its seems to be going okay. Doug is helping out with Logan when I'm feeding Jillian. I'm nursing and its going well. So far Jillian doesn't have the intolerance that Logan did, which will make nursing much easier for mommy and Jillian.
I'm ending this post with a picture of Jillian, she is 2 weeks now and changing everyday. We have her 2 week doctor appointment on Thursday, can't wait to see how big she has gotten in 2 weeks. Hoping in a few weeks I will be able to get on a schedule and keep the blog updated with Jillian and Logan growing up together. Enjoy!