At Jillian's 2 week doctor appointment, we had the doctor test her stool, to see if she had MSPI (milk/soy protein intolerance). Some of you may remember that we found out Logan had it when he was 2 weeks and I had to go on a diet eliminating all dairy and soy. They did find blood in her stool, however she is not showing signs like Logan did. So the doctor stated that she may have a mild case and since she is gaining weight then she doesn't think its the intolerance. I'm limiting how much milk/soy, but not completely cutting it out. Jillian is a good eater which is why we don't believe she has the intolerance like Logan did. She does eat a lot and I'm trying hard to keep up with her.
We are also having trouble with getting Jillian to sleep in her crib at night. She is a cuddlier and is happy to sleep on mommy or daddy, but that just can't happen. We need our sleep as well. She is getting better going down, the screaming fits are getting shorter and she will take a pacifier at night. She will go for 4-6 hours at night before waking up for a feeding. Good for mommy, I like sleep :)
Tummy time, tummy time.
Logan helping sister with tummy time
Here is my tongue.
Hands always in the air.
Logan loves to lay next to his sister.
It sure has been tough spending time with Logan, he is always wanting mommy to play with him. I'm so busy with Jillian that I think he feels left out. He is doing well with helping me when I need it, we also have our bedtime stories. I also try to play games with him during the day when Jillian is napping. Logan and daddy have spiders in tanks in the basement. Logan is pretty proud of them. I try to stay away from them as much as possible. Thank goodness they are in tanks.
This weekend starts the Husker football season. Hope we have a good season. Jillian already has her Husker outfit to wear this weekend.
Go Rig Red!!