1. Roller, she really gets around. She does get stuck and she will let you know.
2. Talker, man can she talk up a storm, not sure what she is saying, but we listen anyway.
3. She has found her feet and will have them in her mouth any chance she gets, keeping socks on is next to impossible.
4. Her favorite kitty is Athena; she wants to grab her tail whenever she walks by.
5. She is an earlier bird, and a light sleeper.
6. She looks good in yellow and pink.
We have started baby food and she likes applesauce, pears, and she doesn’t care for plain rice cereal. We are waiting on some teeth, she has been chewing on her hands and toys, but no teeth have popped up yet. Jillian wants to crawl, but hasn’t figured out how to get on those knees and move, it’s only a matter of time.
I will end this post with Jillian's 6 months pictures we went to Penney's, had Logan sit in for a few shots, which he really enjoys. Sorry this has taken me so long to post something.