Saturday 2/20 we went to the Strategic Air & Space Museum (SAC) in Ashland, Ne. This was not only Logan's first visit, but mine as well. It was pretty cool to look at all the BIG! planes. Amazing how big they are up close. Logan really enjoyed looking at all the planes and getting to push buttons like a real pilot. There was an special exhibit Leonardo Da Vinci Machines in Motion. We were able to pull, push to see how his machines worked. It was a really nice family day out.
Sure wish winter was over, I'm so ready for spring or at least nice weather where we can go to the park without ten pounds of clothing on. It was nice to have a white Christmas, New Years, but enough is enough. Valentine's day was just another day for us. We don't make a big deal out of it. We did go out for dinner as a family the night before. We gave each other a new 47inch LCD HD tv. Which is really wonderful!
Logan is really growing fast, can't believe he will be 2 in a little more than a month. I'm amazed at how many words he is saying or repeating. Its really cute when I say something he will repeat it in his own way. I can't help but smile. We are not in swim lessons right now, I waited to long to register and didn't make the class I wanted. I won't let that happen again. We are pretty busy otherwise, we are in a playgroup every other Wednesday. Which is not only fun for Logan, but me as well. When I joined Mom's Club of Lincoln (stay at home mom club) I got Logan into the playgroup right away. Logan likes to play ball with dad, he can kick and we are working on catching. He colors from time to time. He also likes to play tackle with us. He will tackle us and then help us back up only to tackle again. Some of Logan's favorite foods are chicken & fries, hot dog & cheese, banana, pretzels.
I think that is about it, can't wait for spring to get outside and run around with Logan. We plan to take him to the zoo in Omaha this spring. I will try to post more often, but don't count on it. We just don't take that many pictures these days.
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