Wow! its October already, wonder where the summer went? With Halloween and Thanksgiving just around the corner, we are busy getting ready for trick or treating. Logan and I just put up the Halloween decor on the storm door and other decorations around the house. We have pumpkins waiting to be carved. This weekend was a busy weekend filled with lots of family fun activities. Saturday we went to check out a new/cheaper pumpkin patch. It was basically a small Roca berry farm. Logan really enjoyed the bounce house. Sunday we went to Vala's in Omaha, Logan loves Vala's there is lots to do there.
I was worried ( like normal) about taking Jillian, didn't know how I would nurse or bottle feed her while there, but there was no need to worry we found a place to plug in the bottle warmer for a bottle and managed to find a nice shaded area away from people to nurse her. She loved the fresh air and slept most the time in her stroller. I'm guessing the bumps helped with her sleeping. Amazed how little ones love to be gently bounced.

It was a special day at Vala's Nebraska's astronaut Clay Anderson was there to speak, take pictures and sign autographs.

Logan on the train

The fast slide, Logan loves this
Jillian will be 2 months on Saturday. Can't believe how fast the time is going. She is changing everyday, she is awake more during the day, talking to her family, she is sleeping better at night, just last night she went to bed at 930pm-530am,up for a feeding then back down until after 8am. She also finally took a long (nearly 3hrs)nap in her crib.
I went to Milkworks the other day to get a another Miracle blanket(a amazing swaddle blanket), while I was there I weighed Jillian, she was 9lbs 9ozs. She is growing fast. Can't wait to see how long she is at her 2months check up on the 11Th.
I will end this post with some pictures of Jillian to show how much she is changing.

Bedtime story, Jillian was really interested.