10-11-11-Jillian's 2month check-up. She weighed in at 9lbs 15ozs (14%), 22inches (25%), her head 15inches (50%). She also got immunizations 3 shots and 1 liquid. She did cry at the first stick, but once it was over and mommy could hold her everything was better. She loved the liquid that they gave her, she didn't waste anytime getting that down. Dr. Bargen was pleased with the way she is growing and commented on how strong she is with lifting up her head. She has been rolling over for a couple of weeks. During her tummy time she will get those arms up and over she goes. She also gets her legs up as if she is gonna try and crawl already.
We got some samples of a milk base formula (as a supplement), since we don't believe she has the MSPI. She mainly gets breast-milk. She is sleeping great at night, bedtime is around 9pm and she will mostly sleep until 4-5am, eat, and then sleep again until 7-8am. I'm loving that mommy gets sleep :).We are getting lots more awake time during the day and she is starting to take longer cat naps in her swing during the day. We have noticed that she is a light sleeper, so normal noises around the house will wake her. She still will not nap in her crib.
Our next check up is at 4 months.
I will end this post with some pictures of Jillian.
Just chillin in the bouncy seat
Isis came to visit while Jillian sleeps on mommy
Steve,Shar, Logan,and Jillian
One of Jillian's 2 months picture
One last thing, we have Jillian's baptism scheduled for November 6Th in Lincoln. I need to get invites out and decide what we want to do for a meal after and order the cake. As well as cleaning the house. The never ending job.
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