Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jillian's 3 month pictures

Jillian is 4 months already, I can't believe how fast the time is going. It seems like I just had her. Jillian had her 4month check up and she did a super job. She is 12lbs 3oz's(10%), 24 3/4inches(34%), head is 16inches(25-50%). My little angel got shots, she did wonderful (better than mommy, I can't watch). We will start trying baby food. Jillian doesn't have MSPI anymore or if she does it doesn't bother her. Nice to be able to eat dairy again and use a regular formula as a supplement.
Here are Jillian's 3 month pictures. These are our favorites.

Logan is so excited for Christmas, he has been asking Santa for a remote control car. He is always asking is it Christmas yet? I think he may want to open presents.

Logan is now in Sunday school and was in his first Christmas program on December 11th. He didn't sing, but did stand there most of the time without looking too bored. He really enjoys going to Sunday school, one of his friends from my mom's club group is in class with him.
This year is going so fast, can't believe that the New Year is just around the corner. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

Cute pictures Marcy! Merry Christmas!