Our baby girl is 1, hard to believe. Jillian's party is planned for Saturday. Just a small gathering her at our house. At Jillian's 1yr check up she was a champ. Here are her stats
weight: 17lbs,120z (20%)
Height: 28 1/2inches (27%)going to be petite like mommy.
Head: 17 7/8 (50-75%)
Doctor said she is right on track and doesn't see anything to worry about. She did notice that Jillian has two teeth close to popping out on top, it also looks like her molars are wanting to pop out too. This is explains her drooling and her whole fist in her mouth.
Some fun facts about Jillian you may not know.
1. She can say cat, hi, mama, mommy(mimi is what she is saying), daddy.
2. If you ask her to clap, she will clap for you (most times)
3. She will show you how big she is when asked "How big is Jillian?"
4. She has a temper and will let you know.
5. We always know when Logan is crowding her, she screams to let us know.
6. She is a investigator.
7. She can climb up stairs without much help.
8. Enjoys the outside.
I took her to get her pictures done, diva in the making already. It was tough getting cute shots, but we did manage to get some.

This is great fun!

Rocking in my car seat!

Birthday cake and balloons

Jillian's party was great, lots of excitement and fun. She didn't know what to think of the cake, but once she tasted the frosting she was eating it.

Thank you to everyone that came to celebrate. Wonderful day. Still can't believe that she is 1 already.
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