First let me start with sorry for letting this fall so behind. Since Logan started school I have been so busy, that updating the blog fell off the list. A lot has happened since Logan started school. We took a trip to New Jersey in Oct to celebrate marriage of Jeff & Jaclyn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and Logan turning 6 years old.
Finding it hard to believe that he is 6, man time flies, I got his pictures taken at the Capital building. He did a awesome job, picked out his own outfit. Jillian jumped in for a few shots. As always I get lots of pictures, that I just can't post them all, here are just a few, I added silly ones as well.

for Logan's birthday party we went to Lost in Fun, (more like lost in sweat & craziness), but he invited friends from school. 2 hours of running, jumping, climbing what else could a 6 year old ask for. His friends were really good to him, he got lots of great gifts. I will post those pictures soon.
As school is coming close to a end, our summer is pretty jammed packed. We leave end of May for DisneyWorld, this will be Jillian's first visit. Logan will also get to see and stay with his friend Jake from MOMS club, as I get to see his mommy Megan. When we return Logan will be starting T-ball and back in swim lessons. Jillian will start swim lessons once she turns 3.
Please enjoy the pictures, and stay turned for other posts.
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