Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The count down begins. Logan will turn 1 in 11 days. I have been busy planning and get ready for the day. I think I have everything planned and ready to go, just need to clean the house.
Logan and I started swim lessons today (April 1st). We had a good time in the water. Logan likes the water, he cried only once when we first got into the water it was colder than I thought it would be for a heated pool. We worked on splashing, blowing bubbles, putting our nose in the water, front & back float. He looks so cute in his swim trunks. Here are some pictures of our first swim class.

Logan is getting better at walking, he has not took off yet, but he takes more steps everyday. The other day he walked from the center of the couch to the main bathroom. He wants to climb on everything. He can climb up onto the couch with a little help. He likes to stand on the couch and look out the window. I noticed that Logan is getting his 4 molars at the same time. Logan is extremely vocal these days. He is telling great stories, we don't know what he is telling us, but we listen just the same. April 4Th is picture day for us. I'm sure we get great big smiles and Logan will show off his baby blues.

Stay tuned for Logan's birthday party pictures in a few days.

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