Friday, March 13, 2009

Logan has taken some steps

As I have stated before it would be any day now that Logan will walk on his own. Doug and I have been really working with him everyday to teach him to keep his balance and walk. Just today he took 4 steps on his own. While I went to do some shopping Doug go two videos of Logan walking on his own. Its so cute, Logan is gets so excited that he is walking he falls down. He still wants help to walk around the house, however he barely holds our hands.
The first video starts with Logan just getting his balance leaning on the cough, then he takes a step, get his balance again, and then takes a few more steps before sitting down. I love the smile on his face as he walking to the camera.. Its priceless.

The second video is Logan investigating the diaper bag, while investigating he finds a zipper and begins to zip & unzip.

He learns something new everyday. Okay as for updates, Logan is now 11 months. We have been on the so much this month that I found it hard to know where March has gone. We went to Iowa on 3-8 to help celebrate Doug's grandparents 70Th Wedding Anniversary, Logan had a wonderful time visiting with all the family, playing with his grandpa Steve, and some of his cousin's that were there. Can't think of what else to say, but Thanks to everyone who visits the blog and writes comments. This has turned out to be a wonderful learning process for me and I really enjoy doing it. Thanks, Love you all


Anonymous said...

What a big boy Logan is! The zipper pull is really cute. I can't wait for the next thing he learns!

Grandma Michel

Freeman Family said...

Love the new blog background! Logan looks so proud of himself! Very cute!